Wednesday, October 8, 2008

6 weeks

Wow, we are at 6 weeks. Adeline had her chedck up today and she has gained about 2lbs since birth making her 9lbs1oz. She is healthy and a good sleeper and I couldn't ask for much more. I remember only 3 weeks ago I was thinking how nice it will be whe she is 2, and less work. Right now it is round the clock and I have no time for myself. I've discovered over the past week that I really do like the baby stage. I want to look at her all the time becuase she is just sooooo cute. And she's only gonna get big and smelly like the other two:) People are always telling me how small she is and it kinda drives me nuts. I don't know why. She does look small, mostly becyase she has a small head(which runs in my hubbys family) and it makes her look small. But also, I need to realize that people aren't used to seeing month old babies everyday and ofccourse they think she looks small. I know though that she is gaining well so for now I will just smile when they say it. I am o.k. too. Unfortunately, I am not completely healed so Preston is going to be disappointed tonight:) I'm excited to start exercising. I am 8 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight, not that it is a target for me because I wasn't exactly in shape before I got pregnant. I'd like to loose a little but then gain some muscle. I've never been good at working out but I was so miserable being fat and pregnant this time that I think I might be more determined.
I went to Bulk Barn last week and bought a whole pile of different grains and I'm excpted to use them in recipes. I realize that it is easy to make healthy some diskes we eat regularly This week I worked with wild rice and added them to meatballs and taco meat. I'm going to make some couscous stuffed peppers and some chicken millet patties. I also cooked up some Quinoa, maybe I'll dump it into meatloaf or some thanksgiving stuffing. So many ideas and so healthy. I bought some purple sweeties (potatoes) too and they were very healty and sweeter and yummier than sweet potatoes(I don't like sweet potatoes. Unfortunately, I still crave sugar, but atleast I'm making my meals healthier so it makes the sugar a little more o.k. to eat.
Well, Kayla is just wraping up her jazz class. SHe likes to dance and has lots of energy and these classes are doing her well. Clayton still enjoys Happy Hoops (basketball) and looks forward to getting better everytime. He says he wants to be like daddy and play basketball. I honestly think he will end up exceling at an independant sport like karate, which he also likes, but we will just have to see where his interests go.

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