-We just started t-ball season, which will take up 4 days a week. The kids each have 2 games a week. I am Kaylas coach and the other parents were quite content to sit back and watch which is not at all what I explained I wanted to happen when we started Saturday. I need help. Luckly though, Adeline was being a grump and some lady took her. However, I am very lucky I can trust Claytin becuase I couldn't keep track of him and run a team of 4 year olds at the same time. I told the parents I am only coaching because no one else offered and I would like an assistant. Maybe I'll get an offer to help Tuesday night. I can atleast leave the other 2 kid with Preston Tuesday. Claytons first game is tonight and I am not the coach. Yay.
-They are also in swim lessons. I make a point of only having them in one activity at a time, so I kinda screwed that one up. However, I do think that swimming is an important life skill, so I wouldn't have given it up...especially since summer is coming.
-Adeline is eating finger food now. She has done well so far with toast, cheerios and rice krispies, and cake:) Anything dry and bread like really. I gave her some banana and she had trouble picking it up and then choked on a couple of pieces. I guess we will still stick to the little hand held food bag when I give her fruit. WHat do you call those things anyways?
-we planted our vegetable garden yesterday. We have tomatos, onions, peas and carrots. And maybe cucumbers if I can stop killing them. We are not excellent gardeners so a small garden is good for now. My Aunt said she has planted a recession garden which takes up her whole backyard. I would love that but I just can't maintain it right now, and I don't think the kids would be too happy if we took away their play area.
-Preston keeps talking about moving back to Alberta next year and it kinda makes me frown. We have had a beautiful spring so far as I haev watch Alberta have some cold snaps..and snow. I never realized how important the weather is to my attitude and happiness. I love being able to be outside but I hate the cold. Picky, I know.
-I go for my 20 week apt. today and I hope he gives me my ultrasound req. so I can ook it asap. I want to know what I am having sooo bad. Preston wants to be there for the ultrasound but I kinda don't him there. He is sooo rooting for a boy, and I know he will be dissapointed if it is a girl, even if he tries to hide it. Hopefully, all the Fridays are booked up, then I can go alone. We are planning to have a garage sale and I want to know of there are some girl/boy things I can get rid of.
Adeline pooped, so that is my update!