Monday, April 30, 2007

I'm still here

Forpeople that actually read my blog...I'm still here. We've been out of our house and in my in-laws for a couple days and we just took possession of our new house today so it's been a wild week. I kept wondering if I would cry when we left our house as it was our first and where we have had both our children.. Not as emotional as I thought. Though I had a wierd feeling when we had to stop by to drop off keys and they had new furniture on the porch. They even threw out the curtain panels from the living room within hours of moving in. So we snagged them fromthe alley....they are very versitile panels. ANyways, everything has gone as smoothly as it can so far and the new house is beautiful. Next week I'll have pics.

1 comment:

Kristen McD said...

Looking forward to the pictures!